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28th day of the 4th moon, year 2023

The year of the rabbit


Video narration #5, The wind the prison and the Leaf, the end of the beginning, new mixes, music video and the autumn race is on.. 


31st day of the 3rd moon, year 2023

The Dead Rabbit: The First and the Last

Video narration #4, Red River and the Luna Moth, the dead rabbit comes to an end. 

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24th day of the 3rd moon, year 2023

Gallies and the last winter

Video narration #3, The Warmoths, some Gallies artwork, Dead Rabbit lyrics and Video news, and spring arrives.

17th day of the 3rd moon, year 2023

The Bloom

Artwork still talking, The Child and Zabble, Spring Blooms and the rabbits march till june. 


10th day of the 3rd moon, year 2023

Unstable Diffusion and the Gallies

Artwork starts to talk, A new Cover Idea, The Child commission, Rabbit news and The genderless Gallies. 


3rd day of the 3rd moon, year 2023

Balls to Bones and a little Fire

City of Fire artwork consideration, Dead Rabbit montage video, staying the course, process, Artwork, Balls and Bones.


24th day of the 2nd moon, year 2023

The White Squirrel of Busker Do

The White Squirrel arrives, A BOK blizzard surprise, The Rabbit and the the long road winds down. 

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17th day of the 2nd moon, year 2023

The Word: 16 Done St

All 16 narrations completed on Chapter 1, additional info on the first 4 narrations, foundations, words, deep thoughts and switching gears. 


10th day of the 2nd moon, year 2023

Bella and the Secret Door

New Narrations, Lord Zabble and Skylark discover Medlins secret library, winter choirs for the dead rabbit, melodies in dreams. 


2nd day of the 2nd moon, year 2023

Dune City and the Ceanothus Silk Moth

Lord Zabble and the Castle Fanglor Artwork, 1st mention of Dune City, Spring Moths and the last breaths of winter 23


27th day, 1st moon, year 2023

Jeds place and the birth of Ellsa

The Hadder story grows, Ellsa and Jeds place is imagined, Some new photoshoots happening and narration work nears an end. Goodbye to january 23. 


20th day, 1st moon, year 2023

Brimble Weed and The Grand Ecklonis

Under a crescent moon, New Artwork, narrations, Music news, winter crawls. 

Friday the 13 1st moon, year 2023

23: Year of the Tyme Seer

A new year, field note Narrations added, back to the drawing board, Novel news and leaving the mountains behind. 


18th Day 11th moon, year 2022

Leaving the Hummingbird Cage.

Concept Art updates, Winter arrives, Deliberate creation and website news. 


31st Day 10th moon, year 2022

A hadderous Halloween Trick or Treat

Happy Halloween from me to you, More Concept Art, Returning Home from another autumn pilgrimage and A random Halloween freestyle music video morning.  


14th Day 10th moon, year 2022

Death Trackers for Autumn

Concept Art, Returning Home from autumn pilgrimage, rehearsals loom on the horizon, the stream of thoughts, Viking music and new molecules. 


23rd Day 9th moon, year 2022

The Grasslanders

A new Pilgrimage, Concept Art for Diamonds hadder, The grasslanders, Joy and a new tower awaits. 


16th Day 9th moon, year 2022

Intermission: Costume Change

Rumbles in the Tower, Thoughts on Time, Concept art for Diamonds hadder, and the path. 

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9th Day 9th moon, year 2022

Aquiline and the Monsoon Birthmoon

The rabbit is alive and well, the golden stream runs thick, artwork things and a finish line approaches. 


2nd Day 9th moon, year 2022

John Hadder:
and the Golden Stream

Some words from inside the golden stream, and a Portrait of my Father. 


26th Day, 8th moon, year 2022

AI: A message from Augustus

beyond your 100ft, keep going. Deep thoughts and a message from the crescent moon. 


19th Day, 8th moon, year 2022

A Cloudless World

Music Update, Rabbit Video Sample, The process of Time, Master of Illusion Artwork commissioned, Imagine, Break., imagine.

"Who goes there pest of my canyon

I come with news from the end

Who dares pass these hills of sand stone

Shall he know the wrath of time."


22nd Day, 7th moon, year 2022

Autumn Knockings:

Beyond the breakers digital artwork, the meaning, rabbit progress, stepping stones and small pot big pot syndrome.

"On and on we sing the song....

We dont know the reason for it all

On and on we sing the song..

Till we dont see the light. no more."



12th Day, 8th moon, year 2022

The Black Bird Singeth

The Rabbit, The Wolf and the Black bird news, Ezra sheds, the pilgrimage looms, another rabbit survived and rehearsals on the horizon. 

"Don’t kill the song of the black bird

Who’s singing in a broken tree

Just because it sang wrong

Doesn’t mean it doesn’t dream

Oh don’t kill the song before the last word…

It just might turn.. you’ll see

You just might kill the very thing

Sent to set you free”



22nd Day, 7th moon, year 2022

The Navigators

Finish line approaching, Rabbit Video Samples, and the frightful end for all rabbits.


15th Day

7th moon,

year 2022

10 Miles Down: The Oceans of Intention

Some deeper thoughts from under my little umbrella and Jack Dullahan artwork.

8th Day of the 7th moon, 2022

The fields of Summerset

Music progress, more Furious video, The Tyme Seer and life after the spell.


July 1st, 2022

The Wolf I Knew:

Record progress: Things born without comissions.


June 17th, 2022

The Furious Road

The long and furious road to the end and a working solo Video Sample. 


June 10th, 2022

The Death Cult Rising

Record progress and an old friend comes to BOK


May 27th, 2022

The Wolf and the Fire

more Artwork commissions and the story of the wolf and the hill


May 20th, 2022

The Custodian

Artwork comissions, Hadder Record and Stargazer crew cover songs update.

Friday the 13th, May 2022

Activating the Time Seer and some Moon Flower thoughts.

The Tyme Seer and Bog Wollies

May 5th 2022

The whats and whys of it all


Long road winds down... What is diamonds hadder.

"Time is a ladder . Up to the shine . every step we take . leads to another why . and hope is the only thing . that keeps us alive . while we reach for the gold . oh.. long is the road."



Spring arrives, The Back Bee, headless Cross cover song samples, Long is the road tracking focus, reflections on the real War and Olena, The Crying game that never was and her lost animations, good intensions, Comic Strips, new towers, a 90 day countdown for “beyond the Breakers”, Ramsay Evermore kinder winters.

First signs of spring, Lightning strikes and a tower card is drawn, Ramsay/Evermore: kind winters is born and samples shared, the red curtains of evermore are finally imagined and created, Headless Cross Vocal Samples shared, A Field Note: The Coin Book released and 408 tower Doors are closed for spring.

A new year and new cover songs planned, Life choices under Dragon Wings, Mozarts Birthday, headless Cross Vocals begin, A Field Note: The letter and the war, Drum tracking in LA with the stragazer crew and another hadder pilgrimage comes to an end.


A Hadder reading of The Night before Christmas, The End of a long year, mountain travels and snowy reading, The Rivers End is finally completed, and A few Field Notes are brought to life: Mattix, Medlins door and the key to it all.

the music video for "Stargazer" is finally released., Ramsay/Evermore project grows with the release of "Hell Fall" demo, A white Mountain reading, leaving the past behind, Rehearsals ongoing, a busy month for Field Notes: The Gorgon bridges are created, Lord Skynn and Diamonds Hadder arrive at the doorway to the diamond city and music finally begins on "Rivers End". 

Stargazer Music Video progress, Field Notes for Medlins Cloak, Klipso and the Diamond City, 1st Video/audio Samples for Ramsay/Evermore "Hell Fall", Winter Pilgrimage reflections, Rivers End lyrics and artwork begin behind the scenes, spiritual journeys in the white mountains, readings and a Halloween photoshoot before travels begin.


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little things from the past...

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