Image: Some concept art I did of Hadder and one of the Death Trackers from BOK.
Good morning, I’ve been away for a bit. This time of year is always a little sketchy for me as I make some pilgrimages to various places far away from home. I enjoy new experiences. To some degree I kind of shut down the physical Hadder work for a bit as it takes a lot of effort to pack and plan my trips. But all hadder things are well and dear inside my little head, safe and secure and building each day no matter where I rest my bones. I often return from my trips with some great new ideas and plans for the coming year. I’m planning on doing more traveling, so I’ll be in and out of hadder world these coming weeks or months. Gone but not forgotten. Always working on something for the endeavor.
Rehearsals: Last I left off before I packed and disappeared, I was trying to secure a new tower for hadder rehearsals, in all honesty I’m really just wanting my good old #408 tower back. Unfortunately, some mice have invaded it and claimed it for themselves and so I have to wait a bit for the poison to do it's thing. It’s ok, I’m fairly certain I’ll find myself in #408 again before good old saint nick arrives. it just seems inevitable… as that’s all I really want. I welcome it, I allow it, and of course… I expect it.
Some thoughts: During my first trips away I was listening to the hadder record a lot… in strange places… on mountains…. In valleys…. it was fun to hear it all. Quite the accomplishment for me personally I will say. It can appear to be fairly difficult to stay the course on anything in these times I notice… our days are so illusionary… I had lost track of the notion that I was a thought magician and that I controlled the outcome of my own life. What can I say… we get lost at times. My days are filled with characters and plots and plans… and streams as of late. In my dreams I’ve seen tyme seer lazer globes and hidden corn fields that retract… fog machines and new costumes. In the woods last week I was working on concept art for “Rivers End”, strange that it came to me then... but oh well, must obey the notions of honest creation. Yes, I awoke at 2 in the morning and crafted a few images of that scene… the witch at the river and the tree and the falls… a magical little place... things that have been on my mind. I’ve also been crafting Logos’ and images for each character in the hadder tale. I have my moments with it all… I also have moments of just wanting to sit still and rest and talk to my hummingbirds. I was away from my voice trainings for a week… it’s not often that I go on a stretch without singing or training my voice. It was nice to return to that schedule this week, even though I may leave again soon for the next adventure. I treat the time away from training as a part of the training... as all things need some time to rest from all the strain and work.
Music: Other than remixing the last few tracks when I get to my new tower… which I'm fairly excited for... I’m not sure I’ll be writing anything new until rehearsals start. I hope to write a new record as a band naturally next year, at least that’s where my thoughts are wandering too. I have some other ideas as well, some Viking esc style music ideas that keep appearing to me in my vocal lessons each day. It would not surprise me if I suddenly released a bunch of songs in that chanty viking tribal style… with a heavy edge to them. We’ll see… I often chant a lot in the mornings and I record a lot of those strange melodies. Some sound like old viking nursery rhymes. Not sure where they come from but I enjoy that style of music as well. There was a lot of LOUD rammstein in the woods this last week.
Well, I suppose that’s all for today. No rush on things. My thoughts are ever present these days and they mean everything to me. The golden stream has kind of changed me as of late, in a molecular way… a pleasant and quite way as well. Wish the best for you, stay your own course and have great thoughts always. Thanks for reading. I’ll see you soon I'm sure. Happy autumn.