I thought I would post the lyrics to "The Crying Game". I can tend to get consumed in the patterns of words and rhymes and stories and that certainly happened here. I grew up a fan of greek mythology and believe it or not, I even made up my own alphabet as a kid and would transcribe songs to my own alphabet with an ink pen. Now if your not familiar with Greek mythology and the story of Niobe, I highly recommend it. Quite the lesson to be learned in the words from the past. The image below is from Tobias Verhaecht, it's called "The Punishment of Niobe." He was certainly a handsome devil and I don't think I would have changed a single brush stroke. I can only hope my rendition of the classic tale can add to the story. I'll talk more about the song in general down the road as I have lots of stories of my own that were taking place during the writing of this music and lyrical adventure. For now, enjoy this long tale as old as time.
-j evermore
The Crying Game by Diamonds Hadder
“In the tower so it’s said,
not even queens can save the dead,
nor sons and daughters safe from gods,
12 deathly arrows found their marks,
Add insult to a wicked brew
Surely Comes poison to the fates\
best bite the tongue of a cunning snake
Lest ye remember all to late.”
“Oh lucky me”, the empress bragged
Wore the finest silk they had
Mother of 12 it’s said she told the lads
a son to many, wished she never had
Whispers turned to angry plans
Festered hatred for the 12 now in godly hands
2 would plot to take them all
Deep Inside the seven walls
So.. this is the crying game
OH… of the ages
How dare she speak of smug little graces
Such words grew wings, to faraway places
And fell on ears great men did fear
No one would take back her words would become the spear
“how could she forget that they created this”
letos will and vengeance was swift,
her sons arrows never seemed to drift
all seven sons and daughters would die
nine days they stayed above the ground for the king to find
The great king of thebes, even wore his burial gown in death
Would never he see, his (6) daughters to wed
Or sons to become, heirs to the his throne
Left his wife to cry inside the palace garden all alone
So, this is the crying game.. Oh… of the ages
Bite the tongue that wants to tell
If ever does it come to yell
Hold the words under a spell
If ever you wish to keep your graces
Bite the tongue the serpent spits
Ever will it come to hiss
As old as the gardens Traces
… now the stones have many faces (still)
“So, this is the crying game… so this is the crying game.”
“My lovely daughter niobe, heavenly queen of Thebes
Dare you angered the makers of men, and the throwers of sadness
Winds whispers have found a hole in our sky
And travelled the realms you’ll never know of
There your insults festered in sisters womb
But only the fates could make the call.. my daughter
I am not the bringer of this judgment
But a ruler of the play and players above
So pay you have for the words you cast into the neither
Now.. ask if you must, for mercy can be only to swift for you.. my truest daughter of such sadness”
“Father, I know why…”
“Father… I’m sorry”
“Father… have mercy…”
wide canyons carved, around the cursed men
who still stand along the hillside bends
just statues now of crumbling stones
hollowed somewhere inside from their rotted bones
Niobe lay under the stars alone
The last to walk among the stones
her people turned into a into a ghostly sight
Bodies frozen for the gods simple delight
And she the last to turn to rock
somewhere above Mountain top
To shed an endless tear for men
Her weeping ghost, still seen now and then
“Mother of all, your wisdom felt
in flowers bloom and snowy melt
till winter comes again you’ll see
the stone is always there beneath
All that remains of a kingdom gone
her whining waters speak the dead
a last her river seems a gift to men
but some things are better left unsaid.”