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Spring Moons and Safe Places


diamonds hadder the tower kind winters promo video

Good morning, I suppose a little update is in order.

Life is good in the new tower, work is steady and spring is blooming. I’ve been chasing the moon a little in between finishing up the record. Singing a lot as usual. In my spare time over the years I’ve had a relationship with the moon, and it seems to have awakened again… and so I’ve been with her a lot this month. I will say it’s made me appreciate all the hard work I’ve done on the first Hadder record and it’s left me with a little aching and longing to complete it. Which is a pleasant feeling these long last days of the race.

Music: So where am I exactly. I’m engulfed in the instrument side of things at the moment, doing solos and structuring the remaining tracks to close it all out. “Long is the Road’ and “Dead Rabbit“ are both on the final days of their lives. When I put a 90 day limit on completing the record.. I knew it was a little longer than needed… but I did it purposefully so that I could spend some time with the moon this spring. I’m glad I did. It’s looking like it will all be done as planned. Aside from the Hadder record, other music things that are on my plate like the cover songs for “Rainbow in the Dark” and the 4th ramsay/evermore track called “Kind Winters” all are alive and well… but have taken a back seat to the top priority of completing the Hadder record. I’m assuming I’ll return to them in the coming months as I return to planned rehearsals. They both are about 50% completed on the vocal side of things… music on the cover songs still has a few days at Light Black studios… before they are completed as well. Doug tells me that they are planning a day soon to finish up guitar work and solos, soon I suppose. Perhaps if I finish all the hadder stuff earlier than expected, Ill complete a few of those as well inside the 90 day window and share them. Let me see what the moon does these coming cycles. A little side note.. Each day I sing to scales and patterns and piano phrases and in these vocal routines… things happen and songs are born and melodies created… words crafted and ideas made… I have so much material for the second record, it’s exciting. I can’t wait to get to it all.

The Novel: Well, no hurry here as words they last forever you know. The Diamonds Hadder tale is alive and well. I knew that it might sit a little while I focused more on the new tower move and the 1st Hadder record. I’ve been contemplating Lord Bane and the next chapter in the Diamonds Hadder tale. It’s time to introduce some new kings and queens into the story and to return to Lord Skinner and our fellows past the Gorgon bridges.. but I haven’t had the time to sit and draft the next events. I’m sure when I do dive back in, it will get interesting.

Thank you: For reading my words and for following along on this rather amazing journey. I’m just trying to be honest with myself, creating things that are dear to me for some unknown reason… I wonder sometimes if we are fools in life to think we have control over who we are and what we do… or was it all written in the stars long ago. Unavoidable and part of the fabric of time and space. Or not… maybe we can change the course of our lives… hmmm… like I said, I wonder. What a trick we live in… what a spell. Anyway… good luck to you today. Farewell. I’ll be under the moon working.


"Did you find a place

That you thought was safe

from it all?

Somewhere after the light..

but only to find you were wrong

long is the road."

Video Info: A little clip from a long road. .


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